So live has changed around here, and it's definitely for the better.
On the night of July 13th Tyler and I settled down for bed. I didn't sleep much because I was having mild contractions. They got worse over the next few hours and soon enough I woke Tyler up. I didn't know if this was the real deal or if I'd be able to go to my baby shower the next day down in Bountiful. We decided to make a trip to the hospital just to be sure. After checking in and having them monitor me for about an hour they told us we were there to stay. We were having our baby!
Well the day went on and I progressed. The epidural was awesome and I didn't need any pitocin to keep things going, it was just a waiting game... The day was pretty surreal, knowing that that day would be the one we welcome our little man. I loved watching the sun rise, and all the rain out the windows and then watch the day turn sunny, all the time just waiting. Tyler and I talked and passed the time with my friend Jalene who came to do a birth story photo shoot for us.
Around 4:40 I started pushing and the doctor came in. My doctor was off duty so we had another doctor there for my delivery, which ended up working out just fine, I liked her a lot too. Little man took awhile to come because of his large head, thanks Tyler! But finally, at 6:07 p.m. on July 14, 2012 our little Spencer Tyler Coy was born. Weighing in at 8 pounds, 9 ounces and 20.5 inches long. He was a big little dude for being a week early!
We soaked in those first moments with him and have loved every second since. Being parents is definitely overwhelming at times and we feel under qualified to raise this little handsome guy, but he is patient with us and helping us learn along the way. We sure love him and enjoy all the time we have with him.
The Coys!
one little happy family
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter to all! We spent the afternoon at my Grandparents, eating an awesome Easter feast and enjoying an egg hunt. We seemed to spend a lot of time with this little man, Jacob.
We always love hanging out with Dax, he's such a fun kid.
It's too bad he fell off the lawn swing and got two fat lips! Here he is saying "Happy Easter!" Poor guy
It was great to see the whole family. It seems like it's been too long, since the last time we saw everyone was Christmas. We missed Mom and Dad and wish you could have been there though!
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Baby Coy
It's been quite awhile since I've posted, and a lot has changed around here. Tyler is still in school, finishing up his masters in Civil Engineering. He should complete his masters project in December and then it's on to look for work. I'm still working and enjoying that.
In December we were thrilled to find out that a little one would be joining our family. Since then our world has revolved around getting ready for baby to come in July.
We found an old rocking chair at D.I. and with Tyler's upholstery skills we revived it! He is very talented I must say. We still have to tighten up the chair and paint it but the cushions were definitely the hardest part.
When my mom was in town for Christmas we spent several hours at D.I. picking out books for babe. I think we got about 150 books and since have gotten several more. This baby's already got an awesome library. We had fun cleaning and sorting through all the books.
Once we found out baby was a boy we went shopping as soon as we could and started his wardrobe.
I've also made a little onesie with an elephant on it and have a few more I want to make. We've had fun picking out little man's carseat, pack 'n play, crib, bedding, and loading up on diapers.
We can't wait to meet little man in a few months but we're so glad he's still growing and doing so well. He is a strong little guy who likes to kick at night and he likes when Mom eats and when Dad talks to him. We feel like he already has a little personality and we love him so much!
In December we were thrilled to find out that a little one would be joining our family. Since then our world has revolved around getting ready for baby to come in July.
We found an old rocking chair at D.I. and with Tyler's upholstery skills we revived it! He is very talented I must say. We still have to tighten up the chair and paint it but the cushions were definitely the hardest part.
When my mom was in town for Christmas we spent several hours at D.I. picking out books for babe. I think we got about 150 books and since have gotten several more. This baby's already got an awesome library. We had fun cleaning and sorting through all the books.
Once we found out baby was a boy we went shopping as soon as we could and started his wardrobe.
I've also made a little onesie with an elephant on it and have a few more I want to make. We've had fun picking out little man's carseat, pack 'n play, crib, bedding, and loading up on diapers.
We can't wait to meet little man in a few months but we're so glad he's still growing and doing so well. He is a strong little guy who likes to kick at night and he likes when Mom eats and when Dad talks to him. We feel like he already has a little personality and we love him so much!
Here's baby so far at 23 weeks. (Don't mind my stellar outfit)
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Monday, September 19, 2011
I am a Marathoner.
I am a marathoner.
It's an easy thing to say, but not an easy road to get there. It's something I never thought I would do, or rather someone I would become. I didn't want to, after all, who would willingly put themselves through something that awful? Not me.
At least not a year ago. I attended a missionary homecoming for my friend Niccol and we went to her house after for a breakfast. My friend Kristin's husband, Kenny, was pretty picky about what he was eating and told us that he was going to be running a marathon the next week.
We talked to him more about his running and I was especially intrigued to find out that he has not always been a runner. I always thought you had to be a "runner" to run a marathon. He told me that he used to not even be able to run around the block.
I thought, "that's me". I had never run in high school, or for leisure, or exercise, and I even remember being embarrassed by how slow I was when we had races in Kindergarten - yes, I actually do remember that.
Well that very day I entertained the thought of running and said to myself, if he can do it then I can too. Not long after that a co-worker started a Couch-to-5K training. I thought that this would be a fun way to increment up towards a goal so I did it myself.
The holidays came and went and I had worked up to being able to run for about 10 minutes without stopping (1 mile). Tyler and I sat down in January to make our New Year's resolutions. I was timid about even mentioning my desire to run a marathon. I had warmed up to the idea and thought it would be something so neat to say I've accomplished but didn't know if it was doable.
Well, I made the goal and with Tyler's support I decided I could do it. I knew the Top of Utah Marathon was in September each year and being 9 months away it's plenty of time to train. It can't take more than that to be ready anyway, especially considering most marathon trainings are about 18 weeks.
Well the journey was long, and very time consuming. I set up a training schedule that would carry me from January all the way through September. I had training laid out for everyone of those days. Most weeks included 3 days of running in the beginning, then up to 4 with a day of cross training and of course some days of rest and strength training.
There were so many days that I didn't want to go running. I would dread it and even cry to Tyler sometimes and tell him that I didn't want to go, but ultimately I knew I made the goal and I wanted to keep it. I am extremely competitive and high expectations for myself so making this goal meant I had to keep it.
I stayed on track by printing my training schedule on a calendar and crossing off each day after I came home from my run. Tyler had also bought me a watch to track my miles and time. I was able to upload that for each run and that accountability helped me stay on track.
I came to a critical point in the middle of July. I slacked on my training a bit when life got busy with the July holidays. I had missed several weekly mid-length runs and several long Saturday runs. I was at the point that I had to chose to either commit or drop out. I had already shared my goal with so many people and I didn't want to look stupid or let myself down, so I committed.
I was more deliberate in my running after that. It became my first priority after that. I knew that even if my runs weren't the best that if I would go and do them and cross off every one of those days I could finish the marathon. I missed one day after that, only because of schedule conflicts and in the end counted it as a needed rest day before running the Top of Utah Half Marathon.
That was a huge step for me in the process. I have learned a lot along the way. What socks to wear, what works for me to listen to, just how long a mile is (it's amazing how distant-conscience I am now), what to drink, how often to drink, how to eat GU, what to eat the morning of, and after a run (can you tell food is crucial), race logistics, and man the list goes on and on.
Most of all I learned a lot about the good nature of runners. Runners are good people. Plain and simple, they just are. Runners are so supportive of each other. They are willing to offer you help and advice, they will support you and offer to run with you, they'll even sacrifice their own chance at improving their race time to hold back and make sure that you're there with them at the end. They want you to succeed and smile along the way. I've learned that you can meet a complete stranger and share miles of deep conversation with them. You'll learn about their family and their goals and why they run. You can spend several miles running with them until different circumstances pull you apart and you continue on having been better for talking with them.
I feel like I've shared the experience of my marathon pretty well on my album and comments on Facebook. If you haven't gone through it please do. But as for the overall experience of running I wanted to share how amazing it is. In this year where I've gone from being a non-runner to a marathoner, it has changed me to become a better person. For so many reasons in so many different ways. Running alone has set my priorities straight, has made me look at people in a better light, made me more patient and tolerant, taught me that I Can Do Hard Things, and that I am in control of my life and my happiness.
If you would have asked me 13 months ago if I was ever going to run a single marathon I would tell you firmly, no! If you would have asked me even 4 days ago if I was ever going to run another one I would still have told you no. But now I know why people do it. It makes you better and it makes you stronger and it makes you you. I challenge you to run shoulder to shoulder with thousands of people who have made the goal to complete a marathon, those thousands of people who have decided to become better, and not become better yourself.
You'll find the amazing charity in people who cheer you on from the sidelines and run next to you and tell you can do it, even when you doubt yourself. And you will find yourself in those mindless miles of training when all you have are your thoughts. You will think a little deeper when you listen to the same podcast again for the 4th time that week. And you will realize you have strength beyond what you knew when you push past the pain and finish, just so you can say you did it.
I did it!
It's an easy thing to say, but not an easy road to get there. It's something I never thought I would do, or rather someone I would become. I didn't want to, after all, who would willingly put themselves through something that awful? Not me.
At least not a year ago. I attended a missionary homecoming for my friend Niccol and we went to her house after for a breakfast. My friend Kristin's husband, Kenny, was pretty picky about what he was eating and told us that he was going to be running a marathon the next week.
We talked to him more about his running and I was especially intrigued to find out that he has not always been a runner. I always thought you had to be a "runner" to run a marathon. He told me that he used to not even be able to run around the block.
I thought, "that's me". I had never run in high school, or for leisure, or exercise, and I even remember being embarrassed by how slow I was when we had races in Kindergarten - yes, I actually do remember that.
Well that very day I entertained the thought of running and said to myself, if he can do it then I can too. Not long after that a co-worker started a Couch-to-5K training. I thought that this would be a fun way to increment up towards a goal so I did it myself.
The holidays came and went and I had worked up to being able to run for about 10 minutes without stopping (1 mile). Tyler and I sat down in January to make our New Year's resolutions. I was timid about even mentioning my desire to run a marathon. I had warmed up to the idea and thought it would be something so neat to say I've accomplished but didn't know if it was doable.
Well, I made the goal and with Tyler's support I decided I could do it. I knew the Top of Utah Marathon was in September each year and being 9 months away it's plenty of time to train. It can't take more than that to be ready anyway, especially considering most marathon trainings are about 18 weeks.
Well the journey was long, and very time consuming. I set up a training schedule that would carry me from January all the way through September. I had training laid out for everyone of those days. Most weeks included 3 days of running in the beginning, then up to 4 with a day of cross training and of course some days of rest and strength training.
There were so many days that I didn't want to go running. I would dread it and even cry to Tyler sometimes and tell him that I didn't want to go, but ultimately I knew I made the goal and I wanted to keep it. I am extremely competitive and high expectations for myself so making this goal meant I had to keep it.
I stayed on track by printing my training schedule on a calendar and crossing off each day after I came home from my run. Tyler had also bought me a watch to track my miles and time. I was able to upload that for each run and that accountability helped me stay on track.
I came to a critical point in the middle of July. I slacked on my training a bit when life got busy with the July holidays. I had missed several weekly mid-length runs and several long Saturday runs. I was at the point that I had to chose to either commit or drop out. I had already shared my goal with so many people and I didn't want to look stupid or let myself down, so I committed.
I was more deliberate in my running after that. It became my first priority after that. I knew that even if my runs weren't the best that if I would go and do them and cross off every one of those days I could finish the marathon. I missed one day after that, only because of schedule conflicts and in the end counted it as a needed rest day before running the Top of Utah Half Marathon.
That was a huge step for me in the process. I have learned a lot along the way. What socks to wear, what works for me to listen to, just how long a mile is (it's amazing how distant-conscience I am now), what to drink, how often to drink, how to eat GU, what to eat the morning of, and after a run (can you tell food is crucial), race logistics, and man the list goes on and on.
Most of all I learned a lot about the good nature of runners. Runners are good people. Plain and simple, they just are. Runners are so supportive of each other. They are willing to offer you help and advice, they will support you and offer to run with you, they'll even sacrifice their own chance at improving their race time to hold back and make sure that you're there with them at the end. They want you to succeed and smile along the way. I've learned that you can meet a complete stranger and share miles of deep conversation with them. You'll learn about their family and their goals and why they run. You can spend several miles running with them until different circumstances pull you apart and you continue on having been better for talking with them.
I feel like I've shared the experience of my marathon pretty well on my album and comments on Facebook. If you haven't gone through it please do. But as for the overall experience of running I wanted to share how amazing it is. In this year where I've gone from being a non-runner to a marathoner, it has changed me to become a better person. For so many reasons in so many different ways. Running alone has set my priorities straight, has made me look at people in a better light, made me more patient and tolerant, taught me that I Can Do Hard Things, and that I am in control of my life and my happiness.
If you would have asked me 13 months ago if I was ever going to run a single marathon I would tell you firmly, no! If you would have asked me even 4 days ago if I was ever going to run another one I would still have told you no. But now I know why people do it. It makes you better and it makes you stronger and it makes you you. I challenge you to run shoulder to shoulder with thousands of people who have made the goal to complete a marathon, those thousands of people who have decided to become better, and not become better yourself.
You'll find the amazing charity in people who cheer you on from the sidelines and run next to you and tell you can do it, even when you doubt yourself. And you will find yourself in those mindless miles of training when all you have are your thoughts. You will think a little deeper when you listen to the same podcast again for the 4th time that week. And you will realize you have strength beyond what you knew when you push past the pain and finish, just so you can say you did it.
I did it!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Steve and Kristen Came
Steve and Kristen are visiting from Ohio for a few days and we were able to see them over the weekend. We had a lot of fun just being with them, going to dinner, going on a little mini Parade of Homes put on by Natalie, playing lots of games, and the enjoying the piano.

Steve and I attempted a duet. We've had a lot of fun with the piano since my parents let us borrow it while they're away.
We played our new Dominion expansion pack (Intrigue) and Bohnanza.
It was really fun to see them and be together for a bit. We can only hope it will happen more often. Perhaps we need to head out their way next.
We love you guys!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Top of Utah Half Marathon
Remember how I decided I'm going to run a marathon. Well, on Saturday I got halfway there when I finished my first half marathon. Woo hoo! I ran the Top of Utah Half Marathon right here in Logan.
I was really nervous for it the days and minutes leading up to the race. I felt pretty prepared for it since I've been training for the full marathon this didn't seem as scary but there's still nerves involved in races since they're a relatively new experience for me, and especially long races with aid stations and such.
Tyler dropped me off at the finish line then I rode the bus to the starting line. I had planned to run this on my own. Well a few minutes before the race started as I was sitting at the starting line, my cousin Emily (third cousin really, but who's counting) and her friend Sarah came running up to me and sat right down next to me. They took my mind off my nerves and got me really excited to run.
We lined up based on the times we thought we would finish and waited for the shotgun start. I hadn't planned on staying with Emily and Sarah but they set a really good pace and I liked their company. We had fun talking for the first mile or so then we really got into our running groove. Before I knew it we were to our first aid station (mile 3) where we drank some water and we all kept going. Aid station 2 came quickly (mile 6) which brought us to the bottom of the canyon. Those first 6 miles were like nothing.
The next 3 miles passed quickly too since there were so many people on the side lines cheering everyone on. I think that's my favorite part of running - just that there are so many people rooting for you and wanting you to succeed. It's such a positive environment and runners love helping each other.
Miles 11 and 12 were tough. They were more uphill and it very sunny and hot by then. Sarah had broken ahead and Emily had stayed behind a bit after mile 9 so I was on my own for awhile. Emily caught up to me around mile 11.5 and really helped my through the last little bit, keeping me going.
The finish was brutal because it's at the end of a long stretch of straight road. I could see it for almost about half a mile but it seemed like I would never approach it. As I got closer I sped up a bit and right before crossing the finish I saw Natalie, Luke and Dax off to the side cheering for me. I ran towards them and gave Dax knuckles. Then Tyler was up a little further holding the camera with one hand and cheering with the other.
I couldn't help but beam with happiness and relief and Emily and I both crossed the finish line. I turned to her and we hugged right away knowing WE DID IT! I finished in 2:26:58 I couldn't have done as well as I did without her and I wouldn't have had nearly as much fun. I'm so so glad she found me at the starting line!
We took some picture and reveled in our victory. It really was such a good experience and such good training for the full. (Click on the pictures to make them bigger)
I was really nervous for it the days and minutes leading up to the race. I felt pretty prepared for it since I've been training for the full marathon this didn't seem as scary but there's still nerves involved in races since they're a relatively new experience for me, and especially long races with aid stations and such.
Tyler dropped me off at the finish line then I rode the bus to the starting line. I had planned to run this on my own. Well a few minutes before the race started as I was sitting at the starting line, my cousin Emily (third cousin really, but who's counting) and her friend Sarah came running up to me and sat right down next to me. They took my mind off my nerves and got me really excited to run.
We lined up based on the times we thought we would finish and waited for the shotgun start. I hadn't planned on staying with Emily and Sarah but they set a really good pace and I liked their company. We had fun talking for the first mile or so then we really got into our running groove. Before I knew it we were to our first aid station (mile 3) where we drank some water and we all kept going. Aid station 2 came quickly (mile 6) which brought us to the bottom of the canyon. Those first 6 miles were like nothing.
The next 3 miles passed quickly too since there were so many people on the side lines cheering everyone on. I think that's my favorite part of running - just that there are so many people rooting for you and wanting you to succeed. It's such a positive environment and runners love helping each other.
Miles 11 and 12 were tough. They were more uphill and it very sunny and hot by then. Sarah had broken ahead and Emily had stayed behind a bit after mile 9 so I was on my own for awhile. Emily caught up to me around mile 11.5 and really helped my through the last little bit, keeping me going.
The finish was brutal because it's at the end of a long stretch of straight road. I could see it for almost about half a mile but it seemed like I would never approach it. As I got closer I sped up a bit and right before crossing the finish I saw Natalie, Luke and Dax off to the side cheering for me. I ran towards them and gave Dax knuckles. Then Tyler was up a little further holding the camera with one hand and cheering with the other.
I couldn't help but beam with happiness and relief and Emily and I both crossed the finish line. I turned to her and we hugged right away knowing WE DID IT! I finished in 2:26:58 I couldn't have done as well as I did without her and I wouldn't have had nearly as much fun. I'm so so glad she found me at the starting line!
We took some picture and reveled in our victory. It really was such a good experience and such good training for the full. (Click on the pictures to make them bigger)
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Seeing Nat, Luke and Dax |
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Seeing Tyler |
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We did it, we really did it! |
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Me and Emily - love her! |
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Me, Emily and Sarah |
That's right, I finished! Now bring on the full marathon
Oh and just for fun here's the stats from the run:
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