Well, it only took about five seconds for the truck to mal-function again. All of a sudden the gas pedal was stuck completely to the floor. We were zooming of out control and I was certain we were nearing our death. Well, it's been a good life, I love you all, see you on the other side.... But lucky for me Tyler is able to handle situations like this much more rationally than I am, so he threw the car in neutral as it continued to rev at full throttle. He tried to pull the gas pedal back up or apply the brakes, but it was all to no avail.
Well it turns out the gas cable was frozen or something. I'm not sure if we really know what happened, but the truck began working like "normal" again. We'll drive it with caution...as we always have. I guess now we really have no doubt that we'll get a new car this summer. We were hoping to get a little bit of cash for it but I think I've concluded that my little truck is destined to become a demolition derby car.