In the mean time, Tyler just couldn't deal with things being dull around here, so he decided to get appendicitis. As we were going to bed last night he complained that his stomach hurt. I gave him some Tums and told him he'd feel better in 10 minutes. I was wrong. He was up all night moaning and trying to clear his stomach in any way possible. By 6 a.m. he threw in the towel and let me take him to the hospital. We got checked in, they gave him some pain killers (which were greatly needed at that point), and ran a CT scan.
Sure enough all the signs pointed to his appendix so they booked him for the surgery room. He went into surgery around 11:30 and was out in an hour. Tyler had a great doctor, Dr. Weiss, who took great care of him. During surgery he found that Tyler's appendix was very close to bursting, so it was good we came in when we did.
He is out of surgery now and his pain has gone from an 8 or 9 to a 1 or 2. It's crazy to think that a useless little body part caused him so much pain. We're both in good spirits and surprised how much better this hospital experience has been than our December experience when he broke his ankle. We appreciate all the texts, prayers, blessings and meals we've already received. Thanks everyone.
Tell Tyler to stop getting sick and/or injured! Maybe he is just in need of attention...
Poor Tyler! We sure do miss you guys and still need to come see your new house! We'll have to have to have a moment of silence for you two tonight @ ward softball - our first game. :) Get well soon.
Oh gosh! I can't believe that! Tell Tyler to get better soon!
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